Math Warm-ups are Awesome!

Middle School Math Warm-upsEvery day when my students enter the classroom, they have a set of 5 warm-up problems awaiting them. The first 5-10 minutes of each class period are spent working on these problems, checking them, and getting some mini-lessons in along the way.

There are a number of important reasons that I love to start out each math class period with warm-ups.  In this post I will share with you how I use warm-ups, why I like them so much, my student work expectations, and the strong impact that I believe warm-ups have had on my state test results.  I will also explain the system I use to implement my warm-up program. [Read more…]

Speed Skills Challenge: Percent of a Number

I recently gave the Percent of a Number Speed Skills Challenge module to my students.  The goal of this post is to share my classroom results and my observations in order that this may benefit you, my fellow middle school math teacher.  The Percent of a Number module is available as a free download on my Speed Skills Challenge page so if you find this post interesting please follow the link over and download it to use in your classroom.

The Speed Skills Challenge Foundational Fluency Program

The Speed Skills Challenge Foundational Fluency Program was recently released here on  I estimate that I spent approximately 100 hours creating the Speed Skills Challenge.  The goals of this program are to build foundational skills that will help students to be successful in our mathematics classes, score higher on standardized tests, and become more powerful mathematically. [Read more…]

The Rewards of Repetition

At the beginning of last school year I was in a discussion with my principal about how to raise our state standardized test scores.  I told her that I knew how to raise the scores.  It was simple, really.  As math teachers, we just needed to continuously have students practice the key math concepts covered by the all-powerful state test.  It was all a matter of repetition

Now I am not a big fan of teaching to the test but if my boss (the state) has determined that 7th graders are responsible to know a certain body of mathematical knowledge before they leave my classroom, then by-golly I am going to try my best to get them there.

As I shared my keen insight with the principal, she looked at me and asked if I had been talking to our math department chairmen.  I hadn’t.  It turns out that we had just decided to purchase a rather expensive daily warmup program to use with our students. 

What would this warmup program do?  [Read more…]