Toilet Paper Geometry is a math project that requires students to find the surface area and volume of a roll of toilet paper. Students unwind the roll of toilet paper, place it into the form of one or more rectangles, and calculate the total surface area of the roll. Then they determine how many rolls of toilet paper it would take to cover a basketball court, a football field, and a baseball diamond. Students also calculate the volume of the toilet paper in two different ways (by finding the volume of a cylinder and a rectangular prism) and compare their results. (See more pictures and teacher feedback at the bottom of the page.)
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Toilet Paper Geometry 1
Lesson Description: Toilet Paper Geometry is a math project that requires students to find the surface area and volume of a roll of toilet paper. Students unwind the roll of toilet paper, place it into the form of one or more rectangles, and calculate the total surface area of the roll. Then they determine how many rolls of toilet paper it would take to cover a basketball court, a football field, and a baseball diamond. Students also calculate the volume of the toilet paper in two different ways (by finding the volume of a cylinder and a rectangular prism) and compare their results.
Math Content: Surface Area, Area of Rectangles, Volume of Cylinders and Rectangular Prisms
Time Required: 1-2 Class Periods
Toilet Paper Geometry includes:
- 2 Toilet Paper Geometry student worksheets
- 2 Toilet Paper Geometry student worksheet Answer Keys
- 1 Toilet Paper Geometry toilet paper trivia sheet
- 2 Toilet Paper Geometry Teacher Tips pages
- 1 Toilet Paper Geometry Cover Sheet 8 pages in all!
Materials Needed: Rolls of Toilet Paper, rulers
Suggested Grade Level: 5th-8th
Teacher Testimonial: Toilet Paper Geometry is a chance for students to take an everyday household object (toilet paper) and have it become the basis for an interesting project involving surface area and volume. Middle school students are always telling stories about whose house got toilet papered over the weekend. Students have an inherent interest in toilet paper. Teachers can also take the opportunity to compare unit prices, number of sheets, etc. between toilet paper brands.
- Toilet Paper Geometry 1
- Toilet Paper Geometry 2
- Toilet Paper Geometry 3
Teachers Are Talking About Toilet Paper Geometry
Here’s what other teachers have to say about the Toilet Paper Geometry Project:
“My students loved it….what a great way to review over area and volume!”
– Michelle S., math teacher
“Great activity for our chapter on surface area and volume.”
– Julie R., math teacher
“I have this planned for the end of the year project. I am very excited since anything bathroom related is always a riot with middle school!”
– Cari Guttenberg, math teacher
“Very engaging activity for all levels in my math classroom.”
– Kimberly F., math teacher
“This is great! My middle schoolers loved it!”
– Kellett, math teacher
Enjoy your lesson!!
Mark P. Tully